sorry for the absence lately - I've been busy, busy, busy.
Busy at home (almost finished my swaps for convention - two more sleeps till I head off to Sydney - yahooo :), busy at work, and on top of that sick as well. Not alot of fun when your busy :( But feeling much better now....
Since I won't be posting a challenge card again this week, I dug a little something out of my archives. I made some bookmarks to go with family Christmas presents last year, using the template in the SU! demo magazine late last year. They slip over the corner of the page you are up to. My apologies for the crappy photos but I took them late at night just before I was going to wrap up the presents.

The scallop trim you see on all the book marks is actually made by punching out scalloped squares, tucking them into an internal layer, making sure they are level and overlapping.
Finally I want to finish by posting some blog awards I received recently. First the Sunshine award from the lovely Susan Hogan - thanks for your kind words Susan :)

The beautiful blogger comes from the lovely and talented Gardenia Pepworth - thanks so much :)

For the award I have to tell you 10 things about me
1. I love dark chocolate
2. I was really proud of myself yesterday for hemming two pairs of pants, since I've been using my sewing machine recently on cards I figure I should also use it for its intended purpose ;)
3.I have a chocolate Burmese cat who snuggles into bed with me every night.
4.My favourite colours are blue and green
5. I love reading fantasy/sci fi and will read the same book again and again. I've just started on my Terry Pratchetts again.
6. I started going to the gym this year, and despite regular chocolate intake ;) have lost 5-6 kilos so far - very happy about this!
7. I'm going to my first SU! convention in 3 days and am very excited about meeting so many of the creative people I've met through my blog.
8. I've almost finished knitting a jumper for my wonderful Miss 5, that was another project put on hold while I was making swaps.
9. I had to get my first pair of glasses this year
10. Lastly but most important I have wondeful family and home - my handsome hubby, a gorgeous Mr 2 and beautiful Miss 5 and my wonderful parents as well. Dad is even picking me up from the bus when I arrive in Sydney for convention!
Wheww that was hard. Ok there are some really talented lovely people I would like to pass the awards on to.
Kate Lewis
Liam Pucher
Since Gardenia Pepworth sent me the Beautiful Blogger I can't pass it back but I can send on the Sunshine Award with thanks!
Liam Pucher
Since Gardenia Pepworth sent me the Beautiful Blogger I can't pass it back but I can send on the Sunshine Award with thanks!
Thanks ladies for the inspiration and thanks to all my visitors I'll look forward to getting back to the regular programing ;) so to speak once Convention is over.